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Welcome to the Universities Superannuation Scheme celebrating fifty years

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News & information

  • USS is a Universal Owner – but what does that mean?

    Universal Ownership is the concept that institutional investors (like major pension funds) hold such large, diversified portfolios that they represent a slice of the entire market or economy. Essentially, they own a little bit of everything. Find out what this means for USS.

  • USS picks Procentia’s pension platform

    Universities Superannuation Scheme Limited – the UK’s largest private defined benefit pension scheme by assets – will be moving to Procentia’s pensions administration platform after signing a seven-year contract with the award-winning service provider.

  • Innovating our DC offering for our members

    Building a truly innovative DC product is a vital part of our goal to give members the best possible investment options and access to forward-thinking investment strategies that’ll positively impact the final value of their DC savings when they come to take them. Read about our recent areas of DC innovation from an investment perspective.